Released on = August 13, 2007, 4:41 pm
Press Release Author = Dhanushka Fernando
Industry = Small Business
Press Release Summary = With Web 2.0 came the viral network; and preceding this Viral marketing was born. The core of viral marketing is 'word of mouth marketing', which has been around forever and is described as the best form of marketing ever to exist. This is the game; How does a person start a business, host its own website and market it to interested parties without going on any other form of media? Looks tricky doesn't it, but there are answers.
Press Release Body = If you are looking at promoting a business via a website, then you got to give it all into making your website look attractive, interactive and informative. People should feel good about browsing your site and you have really got to them if they are talking about your site to their friends over IM or on the phone. But that's just part of the parcel; viral marketing is all about one's opinion being transferred to another. This means your site has to have features that will help one party communicate a message and engage another, influencing him/her to get interested about a given subject.
For example; features such as Blogs have helped a great deal to help businesses virally market themselves. You get people who write about an experience that they had with the new neighborhood convenience store and their bundle offers. Other people who live in the neighborhood read this and are well informed about the convenience store even before stepping into it. Article marketing and 'tell a friend' options are also considered key viral marketing techniques, thus these features are the key to virally grow your business using a website. is a business platform that helps small and medium sized companies host their own website and market them virally. With ekwa lite you could have a free website that has been designed to virally market your business.
Web Site =
Contact Details = Adress: 54 horizon street, Brampton, Ontario, l6p2j2, Canada Ph: 1-416-222-2400 Fax:1-416-222-2400 Email:
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